In July, we had our annual picnic and walk, which was located at Salt Springs this year. We had several walkers show up from out of state, which was nice. Weather was beautiful. One of the things that was suggested for next year, is that we have only one traditional walk. We are continuing our year-rounds, but we are a tiny club, and the 5-6 traditional walks that we've been hosting are getting to be too much for us. We will be doing one traditional walk, advertise the heck out of it, and hope to have some nice attendance. If you have an idea for a traditional walk location, reply to the blog or any of our officers and let us know.
We cancelled the Hemlock walk originally scheduled for August due to logistics and distance (it is quite far from our core region) and did a featured year-round walk in Ithaca instead. Four of us showed up for that, with a dinner at Agave's afterwards.
I have some photos from walks this year and will try to post them soon.